Yes, we were those really nerdy people who were in line at GameStop at midnight to get our copy and yes I was the only girl gamer there. (Thankfully Jenn my brother in law's girlfriend came so I wasn't the only girl) It's been awesome to play again. Although I have to say I'm slightly disappointed with Blizzard (the manufacturer) You see they are the only company that will take as long as it needs to make the game perfect, by that I mean free from glitches and bugs. (bugs are when something doesn't work right with software) Diablo 3 is awesome however I've found a number of minor issues with it and that's slightly disappointing. I hope this isn't a sign Blizzard is starting to slack off. That would be quite the disservice to the gaming world.
Here's a trailer if your interested:
I promise to have more crafting stuff up soon. :D A few days ago I forced myself to create a new rule. No gaming until at least one card has been created. I have a pile of cards to share. Now I just need to create the no gaming until the cards have been photographed rule. :D